Old Song, Old Language

Here’s a piece I dug up from last year when I was working quite a bit with RTcmix (Brad Garton’s awesome albeit antiquated musical scripting language). I like the piece’s meditative quality and how varied it sounds for being written with only a few lines of code. It doesn’t follow canonic form at all, but when I hear it I can’t help getting this impression.

maxamp = 1000
amp = maketable("line", 1000, 0, 0, 50, 1, 51, 1, 100, 0)

wavetable = maketable("wave", 1000, 1, 0.3, 0.2)
pan = 0.5

start = 0.0
start2 = 0.0
freq = 2000.0
freq2 = 0.0

for (i = 0; i < 100; i += 1) {
freq2 = freq/round(irand(1,6))
WAVETABLE(start, 4, 10000*amp, freq2, (.2 + random(0, 0.6)))
freq2 = freq/round(irand(1,12))
WAVETABLE(start, 4, 10000*amp, freq2, (.2 + random(0, 0.6)))

freq2 = freq/round(irand(1,12))
WAVETABLE(start2,  6, 10000*amp, freq2, (.2 + random(0, 0.6)))
start += 2
start2 += 3
MAXMESSAGE(0 \, freq2)

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